SNTT League Round 12 - Results

Results from Round 12 of the South Norfolk TT League, held on August 9th.

Warm weather returned this evening, and as riders gathered at Scoulton village hall hopes were high for a fast night on the penultimate event of the SNTT League, but a draggy headwind for the most open sections of the outward leg made for hard going and ultimately put paid to PBs.

Next week sees the conclusion of the league with a rerun of Round 8 which was cancelled due to road works.


  1. Dan Blackburn - Epic Orange - 21.05 D1

  2. Thomas Carroll - CC Breckland - 22.06 D1

  3. Adam Cross - CC Breckland - 22.59 D1

  4. Geoff Frost - CC Breckland - 23.18 D1

  5. Mark Crookes - Iceni Velo - 23.34 D2

  6. Sandy Telfer - Norwich ABC - 23.40 RB

  7. Ian Newby - Diss CC - 23.54 D1

  8. James Oxbury - Norwich ABC - 23.54 D2

  9. David Sweeting - VC Norwich - 24.36 D2

  10. Glenn Stanford - Epic Orange - 24.50 RB

  11. James Canham - CC Breckland - 25.17 D2

  12. Martin Simmonds - CC Breckland - 26.45 D3

  13. Geoff Kerss - Norwich ABC - 26.55 RB

  14. Mark Fairhead - CC Breckland - 26.56 D3

  15. Nick Paravanni - CC Breckland - 28.11 D3

  16. Mick Wood - CC Breckland - 28.32 D3

  17. Wesley Hicks - Tri-Harder - 29.33 RB


Club 5 - 30/08/23 - Results


SNTT League Round 11 - Results