Club 5 - 31/08/22 - Results

A strong wind had blown all day and showed no sign of fading for the evenings event, but thankfully Don took pity on the half dozen or so riders gathered at the start by tweaking the course to make the most of the favourable tailwind for the outward leg.

Flying to the turn in record time, Adam reports to have covered the first 2 miles in just 2minutes and 10 seconds, it was a case of digging deep for the race to the line into a strong headwind.

Tom Carroll took the win in 11:03 just 4 seconds ahead of Adam Cross, with David Collier of Ride Harder in 3rd in 11:47. Graham Dilks of Norwich ABC rode a solid time of 12:13, followed by CCB’s Mark Fairhead in 13:07 and Tri Harder’s Luke Ashton in 14:11 - well under the milestone 20mph average of 15minutes.

1. Tom Carroll CCB 11.03
2. Adam Cross CCB 11.07
3. David Collier Ride Harder 11.47
4. Graham Dilks Norwich ABC 12.13
5. Mark Fairhead CCB 13.07
6. Luke Ashton Tri Harder 14.11


Club 5 - 07/09/22 - Results


In memory of Mick Gambling