SN TT League Round 5 - Results

Despite it being a decidedly breezy evening for Round 5 of the South Norfolk TT League times were fast as the wind blew across the course rather than being a stiff headwind in one direction.

Tom Carroll headed up the field for CCB, posting a time of 21:54 followed by Peter Hargreaves who also lead the way in the Road Bike category in a very handy time of 22:33, CCB’s Adam Cross took third in 23:01. Graham Sparkes, MVC, finished 2nd in the Road Bike category with a time of 23:54 just sneaking under the magic 24minute mark. Division 2 was won by Phil Hurr, Tri-Anglia, posting a time of 24:02, followed by a very consistent David Collier, Ride Harder, in 24:13.

All is still to play for in the leagues different categories with only your best 8 results counting towards the overall standings as 7 events now remain.


In memory of Cheryl Tye


SN TT League Round 3 - Results