SN TT League Round 11 - Results

The penultimate league event was a warm and blustery night, with a headwind for the longer outward leg making it tough going for the 18 riders who lined up at the start to race the clock.

Jacob Chambers of VC Norwich took the win in D1 in a rapid time of 21:15, comfortably ahead of 2nd placed Ian Nixon of the Cake Gang in 22:53. Sandy Telfer of NABC rounded out the overall podium and took first in the Road Bike category in 23:05.

CCB’s super Vet Chris Nudds made a welcome return setting a solid time of 25:31, other notable times came from Ben Crick in 26:26, Lisa Hall of Rider Harder in 27:18 and Velouse Flyers’ Luke Ashton in 28:43.


SN TT League Round 12 - Results


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